Join Harlem For Obama and New York Latinos For Obama to start rallying support for the 2nd Presidential Debate on Monday, October 6th at the recently opened East Harlem Cafe - owned by Harlem's very own Obama Delegate Michelle Cruz. Lets come together to discuss what's important to us and how we can help elect Senator Obama in these final 4 Weeks Until Election Day! Plus help register people at the event and learn about GET OUT THE VOTE opportunities in NY and PA - key battle state. Special guest speakers to be announced, stay tuned for more details…
When: Monday, October 6th from 7P-10P with guest speakers at 7:30P
Where: East Harlem Cafe on 153 East 104th Street at Lexington Avenue (
Donation: $10 in advance online donation OR $15 at the door.
Donations benefit the Obama Hispanic Leadership Council. Please complete Online Donation Process to secure $10 cover. YOU MUST PRINT OUT & BRING DONATION CONFIRMATION TO THE EVENT. If you only RSVP or pledge donation, cover will be $15 at the door.
Volunteer/ Questions: contact Cynthia at
Official Website:
Added by MyBO on September 25, 2008