171 East 109th Street (bet 3rd & Lexington Avenue)
New York, New York 10029

Join Harlem For Obama and New York Latinos For Obama to start rallying support for the 2nd Presidential Debate on Monday, October 6th at the recently opened East Harlem Cafe - owned by Harlem's very own Obama Delegate Michelle Cruz. Lets come together to discuss what's important to us and how we can help elect Senator Obama in these final 4 Weeks Until Election Day! Plus help register people at the event and learn about GET OUT THE VOTE opportunities in NY and PA - key battle state. Special guest speakers to be announced, stay tuned for more details…

When: Monday, October 6th from 7P-10P with guest speakers at 7:30P

Where: East Harlem Cafe on 153 East 104th Street at Lexington Avenue (www.eastharlem-cafe.com)

Donation: $10 in advance online donation OR $15 at the door.

Donations benefit the Obama Hispanic Leadership Council. Please complete Online Donation Process to secure $10 cover. YOU MUST PRINT OUT & BRING DONATION CONFIRMATION TO THE EVENT. If you only RSVP or pledge donation, cover will be $15 at the door.

Volunteer/ Questions: contact Cynthia at cynthiamedina@yahoo.com

This event was submitted by MyBO. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gs7wxp

Added by MyBO on September 25, 2008

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