2nd Canadian MoodleMoot
Featured Speakers:
Stephen Downes
National Research Council,
Institute for Information Technology,
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Dr. Terry Anderson
Professor and Canada Research Chair
in Distance Education,
Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada
1. Best practices for teaching and learning
• Of interest to educators and trainers
2. Growing community with Moodle
• Of interest to communities of practice
3. Moodle tips and techniques (hands on computer lab)
• Of interest to new Moodle users
4. Doing business in Moodle
• Of interest to businesses
5. Moodle integrations & customizations
• Of interest to designers, developers and administrators
Official Website: http://moodlemoot.ca/moodle/
Added by ruyoung on July 6, 2008