In its first year, the Washington Area Women inthe Trades (WAWIT) program empowered 69 low-income women to change their lives forever. WAWIT is a non-traditional job training/job placement program for low-income women that prepares them to enter the higher-wage earning construction trades or work at companies such as Pepco or Amtrak. Over 65% of WAWIT graduates are either employed or enrolled in union apprenticeship programs.
If you are a person committed to improving the lives of women in our community, then you will want to attend the Groundbreaking Event of 2009! We are anticipating 400-600 attendees at the 2nd Annual YWCA Luncheon to benfit the Washington Area Women in the Trades (WAWIT). We are pleased to announce that we will also be honoring the following groundbreaking women at the Luncheon: DC Councilmember Mary Cheh, Congresswoman Donna Edwards, and Dr. Dorothy Height.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Noon - 1:30pm
Capital Hilton (16th & K Street, NW)
TheYWCA of the National Capital believes that until the region's low-income women are paid a living wage - that accurately reflects the cost of living in their communities - they and their children will be consigned to a life of poverty. Besides moving these families out of poverty, the WAWIT program will also ensure that "shovel-ready" projects have a pool of skilled women to rebuild and repair the Washington, DC metro area.
Show your commitment to empowering local women and join us at the 2nd Annual YWCA Luncheon. Please contact Renee Smith, Outreach & Events Manager, at (202) 626-0700 x 28 or at
rsmith@ywcanca.org for any additional information.
Organized by YWCA National Capital AreaFounded in 1905, the YWCA National Capital Area's mission is eliminating racism and empowering women. To that end, our vision is to behold a community that reaches out to those in need, provides opportunities, cultivates healthy lifestyles, challenges social stereotypes, and values diversity and equality. We are working towards this vision by providing women and their families with career education and training, health and wellness programming, and child development programs that foster independence, economic stability, and overall well-being.
Ticket Info: - Young Professional Individual Ticket, $76.88
- 2nd Annual YWCA Luncheon Individual Ticket, $153.75
- Bronze Sponsorship, $1,509.95
- Silver Sponsorship, $2,509.95
- Gold Sponsorship, $5,009.95
- Ground Breaking Platinum Sponsorship, $10,009.95
- Ground Breaking Partner Sponsorship, $25,009.95
Official Website: http://ywcanca-upcoming.eventbrite.com