15629 S. Rt. 59
Plainfield, Illinois 60544

2nd Annual St. Mary Immaculate Coffee House

Fr. David Medow, Pastor of St. Mary Immaculate Parish in Plainfield, announced that the parish’s Peace & Social Justice Commission will present the 2nd Annual Parish Coffee House on Friday, September 25, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM, in the parish gym.

The Coffee House will feature music and song by Fr. Dan Hoehn and his Band the Ear-Reverends”, and Fr. Santos (Sonny) Castillo.

Fair Trade coffee, tea & chocolates will be available for sampling and purchase. Crafts from Malawi, Africa, a mission site supported by St. Mary Immaculate parishioners, will also be on display silent auctioned.

Representatives from Fair Trade organizations will be on hand to answer questions on how Fair Trade shares more revenue with those who produce these products, helping Fair Trade farmers and artisans build a better future for their families.

Admission is $5.00 per person paid at the door. To reserve your table, or for more information, call or email Terry Kohl at 815-439-1367/ kohlt2@comcast.net.

St. Mary Immaculate Parish is located at 15629 S. Rt. 59, Plainfield, IL 60544.

With over 7,000 member families, St. Mary Immaculate is one of the largest Roman Catholic parishes in the US. It is a vibrant, welcoming community with over 100 ministries serving God’s people in the Plainfield area. For more information, go to www.smip.org

Official Website: http://www.smip.org

Added by debachtel on July 10, 2009

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