The Bay Area Ridge Trail Council, REI and local park agencies will again team up for the 2nd Annual REI Ridge Trail Service Day. Each of the 10 Bay Area REI stores will partner with a local park agency, land trust or open space district to build, improve, or restore a section of the Ridge Trail, and REI is supporting an 11th project in Napa County. With 11 different projects, there's sure to be one near you, so pitch in, get dirty and help build the Ridge Trail!
No experience necessary; tools and supervision provided. Projects vary at each site. Morning refreshments provided by REI, Peets Coffee & Tea, and the Council. Advance registration required. For more information on each project, and to register, visit:
or call the Council at 415.561.2595.
The Bay Area Ridge Trail Council gratefully thanks REI for its support. A long-time partner of the Council, REI has supported the Council's work through grants, work days and trail events.
REI Ridge Trail Service Day Volunteer Projects Saturday November 7:
Novato Mt. Burdell Open Space Preserve
Santa Rosa: Hood Mountain Regional Park & Open Space Preserve;
Napa: Skyline Wilderness Park
Vallejo: Hann's Park
Benicia: Buffer Trail
Berkeley: Skyline Trail
San Jose: Alum Rock Park
Saratoga: Sanborn County Park;
Cupertino: Long Ridge Open Space Preserve;
Pacifica: Sweeney Ridge, Golden Gate National Recreational Area
San Francisco: The Presidio
No charge.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 12, 2009