sun city shadow hills
indio, California 92203

Exhibits, prizes, demonstrations, micro-chipping. Pet Fashion Show (with prizes), K-9 corps demonstration, All for free.

Official Website:

Added by llgoodies2 on March 19, 2009



We have over 35 Exhibitors. Pet Fashion Show. K-9 Demo and Silent Auction. Prizes , Game of Skill for prizes. Chipping for Cats and Dogs. Exhibitors for Grooming, pet sitting, petography and pet owner items Bags, Watches, Medinfo911, Emergency Preparidness Items, Animal apparl items.Pet Jewelery. Coachella Shelter Groups, Realtor,Training, Pet Food delivery, Guide Dogs,Pet Intuitive,Pet Cremation Services Provider,Living Free Sanctuary, Tupperware, Mortgae infoSOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!