135 Fisher Loop
San Francisco, California

Last Year's Sell-Out Event!
The 2nd Annual National Angel Colloquium
Educating Angel Investors for Success

A unique, one-day educational program featuring two tracks targeted to both novice and experienced angel investors.

Presented by:

Formely Known As The Women's Technology Cluster

Featuring programs by:
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Keynote Speaker:
Barney Pell
Founder and CEO, Powerset, Inc.

Register Now for Your 25% Member Discount
Early-Bird Registration up to April 30: $375
Regular Registration after April 30: $450
(Includes Breakfast, Lunch and Reception)

Official Website: http://www.wtc-sf.org/angel_investor_07.htm

Added by FullCalendar on April 5, 2007