willow ave
Louisville, Kentucky

Come enjoy inspiring local performers, witness the wonder of our mighty kids being educated and entertained, discover community services that you never knew existed, find out about products provided by your neighbors that are good for you and Eco-friendly, and meet local farmers & get fresh produce delivered to your door.

Come hobnob with the heart of our commonwealth - where earth advocates, peaceful warriors, union members, social justice workers, Eco-conscious business people, artists, healers, dreamers, heroes & heroines all come together to create a community with vision, beauty, wholeness, and a healthy respect for our beloved Earth!

A Mighty Kindness, www.mightykindness.org, is an online community unity resource working to build sustainability and harmony in our region. The festival features amazing local musicians, Mighty Kid-ness tent, free school workshops & speakers and lots of community Eco & peace groups and local green businesses!!! A money-free festivity for the whole community!

Official Website: http://mightykindness.blogspot.com/2009/04/2nd-annual-mighty-kindness-earth-day_16.html

Added by d77elemental on May 8, 2009



No one posted this event in Local, so I tried to help them spread the word. Hope everyone involved is alright with this post. Hope to see ya there!

Interested 1