The GREEN REEL ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL is a two-day event held in Vaughan, ON, that serves both as a showcase for environmentally-themed productions and as an awareness forum for community green groups.
Our event is dedicated to promoting environmental causes in our community using film as a medium to share information. The 1st annual festival ran last January at The City Playhouse and attracted valued support from the community, resulting in substantial media coverage
We are now canvassing the world in search of documentaries, feature films, shorts, music videos, commercials, PSA’s, works-in-progress, animation - anything that fits the environmental bill. We encourage all green filmmakers and environmentalists with an idea or cause to produce and submit their film to our festival. The entry fees for submissions are as follows:
SHORT FILMS (20 minutes and under ) $10.00 Cdn.
LONG FILMS (21 minutes and over) $15.00 Cdn.
Prizes will be awarded for the most popular films in each category voted on by the audience. Film makers are encouraged to attend and speak about their films and causes.
The 2nd Annual Green Reel Environmental Film Festival will be held at The City Playhouse Theatre in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. (Located at 1000 New Westminster Drive, Vaughan, ON, L4J 8G3) Friday and Saturday, January 4 & 5, 2008.
Please email me at for submission form,
address and format information.
Over twenty green vendors will be in attendance from the community.
The deadline for submission is October 31, 2007 however films do not have to be completed until December 31, 2007. Collected entry fees go towards the cost of hosting and promoting this event.
Added by thegreenpages on July 3, 2007