The date is set! Mark your calendars for Friday, May 15th, for the second annual Gold Rush Scramble Golf Tournament. It will take place once again at the Lake Don Pedro Golf & Country Club, where golf enthusiasts will have a chance to enjoy the semi-private, 18-hole, Par 72, Ray Clavern course. A great dinner (open to non-golfers, as well) and awards banquet will follow.
Sponsored by the Mariposa County Chamber of Commerce, the proceeds of this event will again be donated to north county non-profit organizations. Last year the net proceeds of $6,000 were awarded to the three North County Fire Stations with station 24 (LDP), 26 (Coulterville) and 31 (Greeley Hill) receiving $1,000 each and the Coulterville Community Park Stage Development Project receiving $3,000. This year the Chamber intends to once again include the fire stations and have offered the various non-profit organizations in the north county the opportunity to be considered for a portion of the funds.
This will be a shot-gun tournament, scheduled to begin at 1 pm, with registration starting at 11 am. The registration fee of $95 ($60 for LDP Club members) covers green fees, golf cart, awards banquet and a player goodie bag. Longest Drive, closest to the pin and a Vegas Hole as well as a surprise 18th hole free game will add to the day’s fun. Non-golfers may join in the merriment by purchasing a $25 ticket for the awards banquet which is scheduled to start at 6 pm.
Sponsorships are available. Last year the Greeley Hill Market was the event’s Premium sponsor. Their support, as well as that of the many other sponsors, is what allowed everyone to enjoy a great day of golf at a great price and still be a successful fund raiser! This year the Coulterville Fire Brigade is sponsoring a beverage cart and the Coyote Howl will once again sponsor the Coyote Hole. Huff Electric has signed on as the first hole sponsor. For more information, go to the Mariposa Chamber website,, select calendar and May 15th, or phone 209-966-2456.
…Come to the 24th Annual Coulterville Coyote Howl
Saturday, May 16th
This “howlarious” free, family-friendly day long event, sponsored by the Northern Mariposa County History Center, is located in downtown Coulterville at the intersection of Highways 49 and 132. Includes a colorful parade, car show, dinner dance, a variety of vendors and the featured event, the Coyote Howling Competition. Live music all day long, with a parade down Main Street starting at 10 am. Vendor booths and the car show also open at that time. The “Howl” contest starts at 2:30 pm. with sign-ups all day long. Contestant registration fee is $5.00 per person or “pup-pak” (group of kids under 12). Join the fun and howl with the best of them!
Added by DaleMMR on March 25, 2009