35 Mountain Rd
Farmington, Connecticut 06032

Join CT poetry lovers in the Makeshift Theater at Hill-Stead Museum for the sharing of poetry and ideas, announcements, food and music. All are welcome!
• Live music with Covert Jazz!
• Potluck—bring beverage and plate of appetizers or dessert to share.
• Juried "Open Mic" reading. To submit, please email one poem to poetry@hillstead.org (paste poem into email). The poem must be no longer than 3 minutes read aloud, and shorter is encouraged!
• Bring your ideas and suggestions for poetry at Hill-Stead and in Connecticut in general to share that day.
• Time for brief announcements about poetry groups and/or upcoming events (no poems, please). To reserve a slot for your announcement, please email poetry@hillstead.org. A table will be available for handouts.

Added by Sarahlov9 on March 28, 2012

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