61 Dongsanhuan Middle Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing, Beijing 100022

Price: USD 2,599

Early Bird Offer: 22 April 2011 (save up to USD 800)

URL: http://www.clinicaltrialssupply.com

IQPC Worldwide Pte Ltd

Company Address:
61 Robinson Road
Robinson Center #14 – 01
Singapore 068893

t. +65 6722 9388
f. +65 6224 2515
w. http://www.iqpc.com.sg
e. enquiry@iqpc.com.sg

China is set to overtake Japan as the world’s second-largest pharmaceutical market behind the United States in 2015. Meanwhile, with more clinical trials being held in China than ever before, clinical trial supply systems need to become increasingly sophisticated in order to cope with local regulations, import and export guidelines, obtaining of licenses, transit, packaging and labeling requirements, temperature-controlled storage, transportation and local distribution. With this in mind, the 2nd Annual Clinical Trials Supply China conference will address these challenges faced by clinical trial supply professionals.

This is the ONLY CONFERENCE GLOBALLY focusing on clinical trial supply issues and challenges in China! NO OTHER CONFERENCE provides you with the opportunity to meet senior level decision makers looking after clinical trial supply in China. Don’t miss it!

Official Website: http://www.clinicaltrialssupply.com

Added by Linhui Kwek on March 29, 2011

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