Texans for Tah-Tahs are tickled pink to present the
2nd Annual...Bust-a-move For Breast Cancer
Considering it was the BREAST event of ‘08...the tah-tahs are BUSTIN; out with a replay to shine in ’09!
Live Music by OHN... Dancing...
Date Auction...
Feel Good Philanthropic Fun...
Wednesday, May 20th
Speakeasy in Downtown Austin
(412 Congress Ave, Austin)
6pm to 9pm
The PINK particulars…
Single? There will be bidding with cold, hard cash (or credit card) for Austin’s hottest & boldest bachelors & bachelorettes for breast savin’ fab fund raisin’!
Taken? Come for live music, to support a good cause, and kick off Memorial Day Weekend early!
DRINK UP…Speakeasy will donate 20% of all gross sales from the bar to the Texans Tah-Tahs!
TEXANS FOR TAH-TAHS is a team of 20 tenacious and audacious Austin women walking in the 2009 Breast Cancer 3-Day/60 Mile Walk in Seattle. This is our 4th Annual Walk.
VERY Special Thanks to…
Speakeasy www.speakeasyaustin.com
OHN Band www.letsgetitohn.com
Lisa Moguel www.guzelphotography.com
Can’t make it, but want to support us? Here’s how…
· Make a donation to our team...
o To make a donation to our team, mail a check payable to: Breast Cancer 3-Day,” 4111 Medical Parkway, Ste. 200, Austin, TX 78756.
· Interested in joining our team? It promises to be a rewarding experience full of memories for a lifetime!
Contact Tausha Carlson for more information: tausha@taushacarlson.com
Information on the 3-day walk can be found at: www.the3day.org
Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=70786987006
Added by Texans for Tah Tahs on April 14, 2009