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Durante vários anos, as discussões sobre a segurança das TIC foram dominadas pelos vírus, ataques de jovens a redes, e como manter backups actualizados. Hoje, o horizonte das ameaças mudou substancialmente: tornaram-se multi-facetadas, as redes tornaram-se mais abertas, e os hackers tornaram-se mais objectivos e destrutivos, contando com melhores ferramentas e actuando sempre de forma muito mais rápida.

Os decisores afectos à segurança necessitam definir uma estratégia que permita à empresa ser resiliente e estar preparada para os desafios do futuro sempre atendendo ao binómio custo-benefício.

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Added by ricardo on May 30, 2007



Do you think I need to buy tickets in advance, or at the door?


Not sure, sometimes these things sell out. I doubt this will. Might want to arrive early to get good seats (and make sure you can park - $6 in school lots, or you should be able to find somewhere near campus).


A two day debate? Does the second day pick up where the first one left off, and is it worth going to both?


I'm hoping it's a cage match to the death.


Yeah, I hear you have to pay for the whole seat, but you'll only need THE EDGE!!!


Regarding the two days... It's a spectrum series event, and while those are for the general public, they also often serve as a required event for students in Writing 140 (and as a required GE class, basically all USC students take that in one of their first two semesters). Usually for the required events they have to have two times in order to fit student class schedules. I would assume this is the case here, and that the debate would go over the same material both times.


are these things taped or archived at all? I'd love to be ale to check this out but i'm all the way across the country.


Hmm, I know these events are usually taped/archived, but I don't know if they are made publically available. I'll ask a co-worker who does Research Channel stuff if there's any chance of releasing it.

Note, that you can see a webcast of the "Future of Intellectual Property" debate Lessig had with Valenti back in 2000 here:


I just looked at USC's site for the venue and it looks like it can hold 1200 people.


Lawrence Lessig is my hero.


due to the mta strike it looks like i've been forced to beg for a ride. i'd be heading up from north orange county [fullerton] and can chip in for gas. anyone?


there right now. it *is* being taped, although spectrum hasn't confirmed if they'll be webcasting this eventually.