As far back as written records can be deciphered, humans have been haunted by the question of life's meaning. We have sought the purpose of existence because we may be the only beings in the world aware of our own presence. Nothing makes sense if there is no intrinsic and authentic purpose to our lives. Everything we do and believe depends on the answer. What does Judaism have to say about this fundamental question?
One of the region’s most popular lecturers and authoritative voices, Dr. Jack D. Spiro, returns to the stage to discuss life’s most fundamental question. Dr. Spiro holds the Harry Lyons Distinguished Chair in Judaic Culture at VCU. Doors open at 7 p.m. A reception will follow his presentation. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is requested, to assist us with the planning of the event and to facilitate seating. To register offline or to request special accommodations, call (804) 827-1165 or (804) 828-0593 prior to March 27, 2013. Parking is available for a fee in the West Broad Street and West Main Street parking decks.
The 28th annual Brown-Lyons Lecture is sponsored by the VCU Friends of the Library, the VCU Center for Judaic Studies, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, the Richmond Jewish Foundation and the Weinstein JCC.
Added by RVANews on December 14, 2012