480 L'Enfant Plaza, SW
Washington, District of Columbia 20024

Organizer: Mercatus Center. The start of a new administration will offer the nation’s next president the opportunity to put his stamp on regulation and the regulatory process. Every president in the last generation has modified the way the federal government uses regulation as a tool to solve problems that all Americans care about, including a healthy environment, stable financial markets, safe consumer goods, and workplace health and safety. Panel presentations by leading academic scholars will present new and innovative ideas for reforming regulation to suit the needs of the 21st century. R.S.V.P . or inquire for more information to Kristine Esposo at kesposo@gmu.edu or 703.993.4967.

Official Website: http://www.mercatus.org/EventDetails.aspx?id=20662

Added by insideronline on July 28, 2008

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