Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
It may be apropos that estate planners from across the Northwest will meet on Halloween to discuss end-of-life and estate issues that include the ghosts of digital passwords and online accounts, Death with Dignity developments, and healthcare directives from the "valley of the shadow of death." They will gather for the 56th annual Estate Planning Seminar, hosted by the Estate Planning Council of Seattle and the Washington State Bar Association.
Approximately 1,000 lawyers, accountants, insurance professionals, trust officers, financial planners, and planned giving/development officers for nonprofit organizations are expected to attend this nationally recognized event, which will be held at the Washington State Convention Center, 800 Convention Place, Seattle.
This year's hauntingly interesting topics include estate planning for computer passwords, online accounts and digital property; an estate planner's roadmap to the valley of the shadow of death: healthcare directives from religious perspectives; an update on Death with Dignity developments in Oregon, Washington and Montana; plus updates on federal estate tax issues, and how to help clients with assets in Canada without paying an arm and a leg. Speakers will also explore the areas of how to keep the elderly from being financially exploited, how to avoid conflict of interests between estate planners and estate litigators, and the use of trusts.
The event is co-sponored by the Washington State Bar Association, part of the judicial branch, exercising a governmental function authorized by the Washington State Supreme Court to license the state's 34,470 lawyers - all without public funding. As a regulatory agency, the WSBA administers the bar admission process, including the bar exam; provides record-keeping and licensing functions; and administers the lawyer-discipline system. As a professional association, the WSBA provides continuing legal education for attorneys. For more information, go to www.wsba.org.
Official Website: http://www.mywsba.org/Default.aspx?tabid=90&action=MTGProductDetails&args=6367
Added by FullCalendar on September 18, 2011