141 King Street
Angus, Ontario L0M 1B0

This program is dedicated to increasing the supply of locally adapted seed of native woody species for planting in Ontario. Seed collectors are the crucial first link in the chain of people who provide customers with planting material. In southern Ontario it is complicated by many variables - over 100 native trees and shrubs, infrequent seed years, uncertain markets and small operators in a private sector. Growers are not consistently able to get the native species seed they need. And some have commented that seed can be of poor quality, mis-identified by species and of unidentified source. In some cases collectors can get good seed but need help finding a market. Climate change is another factor that makes collection of high quality, source-identified seed more important than ever to support long term seed banking and strategic assisted migration efforts. Along with the seed biology information, participants will be trained in the science and logistics of collecting and marketing seed.

Upon signing a Code of Ethics and passing an exam (>70%), participants can become Certified Seed Collectors (CSC), eligible to register their source-identified seedlots with the FGCA’s seed source certification program, Ontario’s Natural Selections.

Participants will learn about:

1. Woody Plant Seed Biology - forecasting, collection, handling, processing and storage

2. Seed Certification - logistics of documenting, certifying and selling quality, source-identified seed

Costs include: Seed Manual of Ontario (value - $25), Insect Manual ($20), handouts, daily lunch & refreshments, and CSC Registration if you attend the 2 mandatory days, pass the exam (>70%) & sign the CSC Code of Ethics.

Workshop Dates:

Trees Ontario FGCA Workshop Series ($100/day)

Day 1: Indoor Session*, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday, August 15th
Day 2: Collection Field Day*, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Tuesday, August 16th

*On Indoor Session days bring jack knife or secateurs
*On Field Days bring note pad, camera, binoculars, jack knife or secateurs & field clothes (incl. gloves)

Workshop Location:
Ontario Tree Seed Plant (20 minutes west of Barrie)
141 King St
Angus, Ontario
L0M 1B0

For more information or to register contact Trees Ontario at 1-877-646-1193 or info@treesontario.ca.

Official Website: http://www.treesontario.ca/news/index.php/news_workshops

Added by sarlin on June 23, 2011

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