Battery Park
Burlington, Vermont

Prevent Child Abuse Vermont is hosting the 2010 WALKS TO END CHILD ABUSE Saturday, August 21st , at the State House Lawn in Montpelier, and for the first time in Montpelier, a 5 K Run. The second WALK will be held on Saturday, August 28th, at Battery Park in Burlington and the third WALK will be held at the Howe Center in Rutland on August 28th also. Participants from around the state gather pledges and form a statewide community of concerned people who WALK together raising awareness that every child growing up in Vermont deserves a safe and nurturing childhood. All walks and runs start at 10:00am with registration beginning at 8:00 am.

In Montpelier there are two routes: a three mile route and a one mile route for people with small children and others. Both parade through the downtown gathering support for child abuse prevention and back to the Statehouse; In Burlington, WALKERS will parade through the downtown area and back to Battery Park; and in Rutland, WALKERS will parade through the downtown on a three mile route to gather and support child abuse prevention.
Teams, individuals, families with children, elders, and other community members will parade through the streets to support safe, happy and healthy children.

All three WALKS will feature entertainment, face painting, bike and stroller decorating, delicious snacks and beverages. T-shirts will be provided to all participants and volunteers. There will be prizes for teams and individuals that raise the most in pledges.

We invite families, individuals, business groups, schools and other organizations to join us. You can WALK by yourself or form a team. Check with your employer about matching funds. All WALKERS will receive a WALK TO END CHILD ABUSE tee shirt!

The Amazing Spider-Man™ will be visiting the Montpelier WALK. Spider-Man™ has a long history working with child abuse prevention and has several comic books about child abuse prevention. All WALKERS in Montpelier raising $100 or more can have their picture taken with Spider-Man™ in Montpelier.

We also need volunteers for these events. Please call 1-800-CHILDREN to register or to offer your time and talents, or email or go to our website,

Join us in honoring the lives of Vermont’s youngest victims of child abuse and make a difference for children at risk.


Official Website:

Added by Common Good Vermont on August 4, 2010