Creating Change, the 22nd National Conference on LGBT Equality is the annual National Grassroots Organizing and Skills Building Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Conference sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
Each year the conference is held in a different region of the United States, attracting at least 2,000 to 3,000 attendees from all over the country and is considered a unique environment where activists and leaders come together from diverse places and backgrounds to create a unique community that is both strengthening and inspiring to the participants.
Since 1988, Creating Change has been the opportunity for thousands of committed people to develop and hone their skills, celebrate victories, build community, and to be inspired by visionaries of our LGBT movement and other movements for justice and equality.
The primary goal of the Creating Change Conference is to build political power from the ground up to secure our overarching goal of full equality, social justice and dignity for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the United States. Over the five days of the Creating Change Conference the conference program presents a dozen day-long institutes, sophisticated trainings in the Academy for Leadership and Action, approximately 130 workshops and caucus sessions, keynote plenary sessions, film screenings, meetings, receptions, social events, and a multitude of opportunities for attendees to meet and learn from each other.

And while there please join us at the
Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual, Queer-identified and Allies Organizing Institute (Allies encouraged to attend! Help make your group/community more friendly/inclusive)All Day Program
Spend a focused, fun, productive day with bi/pan/fluid leaders to learn how to grow inclusive and friendly groups and communities at the local, regional and national levels. You’ll identify issues, brainstorm solutions to challenges, set goals, pinpoint strategies, develop media skills/campaigns and special projects, target funding, learn a little history (BiNet USA turns 20 and the Bisexual Resource Center is 25) and network with others. Plus it won’t all be work: we’re planning some playful socializing surprises in a supportive, safe environment. Yes, you can come out as bisexual, fluid, pansexual, queer-identified or just plain-old friendly! We’re especially eager to train younger activists, elders, people of color, and folks who don’t feel they
“quite fit in” with other more mainstream gay/lesbian groups or otherwise. Help plan and lead the next wave of queer activism!
Facilitators include: Angel Fabian, Denise Penn, Ellyn Ruthstrom, Estraven, Faith Cheltenham, Gary North, Luigi Ferrer, Matt Goodman, Penelope Williams, and Robyn Ochs
And between sessions please make sure to stop by the
Bisexual/Fluid/Pansexual Hospitality Suite. As place to relax, meet, chat and network with people from around the country.
Creating Change is a wonderful (as well as a useful & informative) not to be missed experience that EVERYONE should try to attend at least once.Official Website: