PO Box 684128
Austin, Texas 76768

Register here:http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb881435824

Membership is open to Commercial Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons in the Austin, Texas area whose primary occupation is leasing office, retail or industrial space.
Affiliate membership status is currently full.
For more information on membership or member benefits, please contact Matt Frizzell, Membership Committee Chair at 512-481-3006 or MFrizzell@StreamRealty.com.
In accordance with CLBA bylaws, only 10% of members may be non-licensed commercial brokers, or "affiliate members". Based on current membership, that equates to 20 affiliate members for 2010.

Register for this event now athttp://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb881435824

Official Website: http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb881435824

Added by eventsbot.com on October 19, 2009

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