115 Jefferson St.
Zanesville, Ohio 43701

1:00-4:00 pm Museum Tours Stone Academy and Dr. Increase Mathews Home
1:00-4:00 Vintage Quilt Display
1:00 pm Putnam Historic District Walking Tour with Carole Jordan*
2:00 pm Putnam Memories: Ohio University-Zanesville professor Mike Kline, former Times Recorder Historian Chuck Martin, and Lace Lynch of the Muskingum County Genealogical Society
2:30 pm Walking Tour of Historic Woodlawn Cemetery with Kathy Singer*
7:00pm Zanesville Memorial Concert Band: Live concert on the lawn at the Dr. Increase Mathews house. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the music
* The walking tours, are free of charge but require an advanced reservation. To reserve your tickets in advance call the Stone Academy at 740-454-9500
All walking tours begin and end at the Stone Academy

Added by passionatehistorian on May 7, 2009