Fridays for 8 weeks - March 27th to May 15th.
Family Bowling
6:00 - 8:00 pm
2 games per night
$8.75 per person, per week. Includes shoes.
Couples & Singles Only
8:00 - 10:00 pm
3 games per night
$12.50 per person, per week. Includes shoes.
For additional details, please see Bowling at www.ConnectSportsAndRec.com.
Organized by CONNECT Sports & RecCONNECT Sports and Rec is a joint effort among the churches of North Texas. We are a faith based group, using sports and recreation as a means to develop relationships among all those involved. Our combined efforts reach beyond current congregations to offer a new kind of sports and recreation opportunity.
We believe we are greater together than separate, and collectively we can have a greater impact on the surrounding communities.
Participating churchs include:
* Buckingham United Methodist Church of Garland
* Christ United Methodist Church of Plano
* Custer Road United Methodist Church of Plano
* First Baptist Church of Richardson
* First United Methodist Church of Allen
* First United Methodist Church of Richardson
Ticket Info: - Family Bowling (6:00pm), $70.00
- Couples & Singles (8:00pm), $100.00
Official Website: http://connectbowlingspring2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com