*The date of this event is subject to change.
About the Luncheon
NPower Pennsylvania'sNonprofit Technology Awards Luncheon brings together individuals and corporations who are committed to sustaining and improving nonprofit organizations in our community. Over 500 leaders from the greater Philadelphia's business community will be in attendance.
The event is not solely a fundraiser, but an awareness raiser, though NPower PA does hope to raise over $300,000 for this worthy cause. Last year's luncheon raised $266,000. Help NPower PA make a difference in the lives of tens-of-thousands of individuals by sponsoring or attending this event.
To purchase tickets or sponsor the event please use this website, visit www.npowerpa.org, or call 215-557-1559. Seating and sponsorship opportunities are limited. The date and some sponsorship terms are subject to change.
Nonprofits are among our regions most precious assets. They provide food to the hungry, shelter to those without, healthcare for the infirm, arts, culture, and countless other societal benefits. Despite their importance, many nonprofits go without the basic technology they need to do business because of a lack of funds and available help.
NPower PA bridges the gap between the technology resources many for-profit companies enjoy and the resources nonprofits typically have available.
By providing affordable, nonprofit specific, technology services this one nonprofit (NPower PA) is helping over 325 nonprofits serve tens-of-thousands of individuals.
That is the power of NPower PA for the many corporations that support it. Our gifts and our time are leveraged across hundreds of causes, thousands of staff members, and countless members of our community. It is why we are compelled to serve on their CIO Council, volunteer our time, and leverage periodic support from our companies on their behalf says Anne Wilms, Executive VP & CIO of Rohm and Haas Corporation and NPower PA CIO Council Chairperson.
SPONSORSHIP DETAILSPRESENTING SPONSOR- $25,000+- Exclusive category (Please call 215-557-1559 for more information)CO-PRESENTING SPONSOR - $25,000- 4 opportunities available (Please call 215-557-1559 for more information)
LEAD SPONSOR - $10,000Multimedia- Name appears as Lead Sponsor in the opening and close of the event power point- Name and hyperlink displayed on NPower's web page; visitors 15,000- Name and hyperlink displayed in e-newsletter; circulation 4,000Event- Two tables reserved for the event (20 seats)- Name printed on signage at eventPrint- Name listed inside the event invitations; circulation 1,700- Name listed in program booklet- Name recognized in NPower's Annual ReportTERABYTE SPONSOR - $5,000Multimedia- Name appears as Terabyte Sponsor in the opening and close of the event power point- Name and hyperlink displayed on NPower's web page; visitors 15,000- Name and hyperlink displayed in e-newsletter; circulation 4,000Event- One table reserved for the event (ten seats)- Name printed on signage at eventPrint- Same as Lead SponsorGIGABYTE SPONSOR - $2,500Multimedia- Name appears as Gigabyte Sponsor in the opening and close of the event power point- Name and hyperlink displayed on NPower's web page; visitors 15,000- Name and hyperlink displayed in e-newsletter; circulation 4,000Event- 8 tickets reserved for the event- Name printed on signage at eventPrint- Same as Lead SponsorMEGABYTE SPONSOR - $1,000Multimedia- Name appears as Megabyte Sponsor in the opening and close of the event power point- Name and hyperlink displayed on NPower's web page; visitors 15,000- Name and hyperlink displayed in e-newsletter; circulation 4,000Event- Four tickets reserved for the event- Name printed on signage at eventPrint- Same as Lead Sponsor
Organized by NPower PennsylvaniaNPower PA's mission is is to ensure all nonprofits can use technology to better serve our community. NPower PA helps charities in the greater Philadelphia region leverage their valuable resources and make effective use of technology in their day-to-day operations. NPower makes changes that allow the nonprofit to serve more individuals, increase the reach of their program, and help more people.
Thank You to Our 2008 Luncheon Sponsors!
Presenting Sponsor 25K+
Microsoft Corp
Co-Presenting Sponsors 25K
Judge Group
SAP America
Lead Sponsors 10k
Technical Assistance Grants 10k
Bank of America
Reed Technology & Information Services Inc
Rohm and Haas
TerabyteSponsors 5k
Deloitte LLP
ING Direct
NCO Group Reed Smith
Rohm and Haas
Verizon Business
GigabyteSponsors 2.5k
Brandywine Realty Trust
IKON Office Solutions
Iron Mountain
Nationwide Communications
Oracle RDA TowersPerrin
Megabyte Sponsors 1k
Accenture The Acentio Group
Avaya Inc. AvidXChange
Bayada Nurses The Burd Group
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Continental Resources
Diversied Search Ray & Berndtson
e-brilliance Ernst&Young
Evolve IP
Guidance Software
Hitachi Data Systems
INTERDATA Technical Resources
LinkedIn National Penn Bank
NPC, Inc OfficeMax
ProSearch Quatro Systems
Reed Technology & Information Services Inc
SEI Sun Micro Systems
Ticket Info: - Individual Ticket, $102.50
- Nonprofit Ticket (501c3 organizations only), $51.25
- Megabyte Sponsorship, $1,009.95
- Gigabyte Sponsorship, $2,509.95
- Terabyte Sponsorship, $5,009.95
- Lead Sponsorship, $10,009.95
Official Website: http://npowerpa-upcoming.eventbrite.com