6404 w pinnacle peak
Glendale, Arizona 85310

2009 Class Schedule

Matlin Studio for the Arts admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

August 21, 22 & 23
Tom Logan, Director
(Universal Studios, Independent Films, Commercial)

September 2009
Regular Session

Elayne Stein Method
On Camera Commercial and Audition Techniques

As per Elayne’s wish, "On Camera Commercial Technique" will continue and will be taught by Linda Waymire. The Stein Family has given their blessing to begin notifying new students immediately. "The show must go on." Linda will start commercial classes in September for anyone who is interested. Please call (602) 402-7740 for more information.)

Auditioning techniques, classes for on-camera techniques and a class for understanding the world of show business. All classes are guaranteed to be exciting and be an unforgettable learning experience. Having been trained by Ms. Stein herself, Linda will continue the ever popular ‘Acting for Commercials’ classes which are taught in twelve-week sessions and only three times a year. In keeping with the “Elayne Stein” tradition and format, final performance of taped “audition” will be submitted to local agents for possible representation.

Classes are scheduled to begin September 10th
Two options available:

Thursdays 7 – 10 p.m. or Saturdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Thursday Location: Central Phoenix
Saturday Location: Matlin Studio NW Valley Location

More Details

Levels 1 & 2

GUT REACTING™ is a unique technique styled to bring out the best performances in actors at every level and medium. Classes will focus on Trust, Connection and Communication. Students will use various tools and exercises to get "in the moment" quicker than ever. Linda Waymire’s GUT REACTING ™ method ("whole actor concept") should be the foundation of any actor or performer’s training.
(Level 1) 6 Week Session Begins September 3, 2009
(Level 2) 6 Week Session Begins October 27th, 2009
Tuition: **$295 per session
(Register for both sessions by August 30th and save $100 – Only **$490 for both!)

*7 - 10 P.M.
(*May go later some nights)

Only at Matlin Studio for the Arts

Cavin Gray Schneider, Instructor
Improvisation class will help you to think on your feet while you explore creativity, leadership and collaboration.
Whether you have never tried improvisation before or want to expand your skills, our classes are non-judgmental and their difficulty level is progressive. Classes are held in a safe, nurturing environment and taught by one of Arizona’s premier improvisors.

Saturdays 1 - 3 p.m. (Ongoing class)

$45 per class or $225 for 6 weeks paid in advance


Beginning to Intermediate (14+)
John "JC" Chavez, Instructor
Learn the 3 aspects of music: Physical ~ Mental ~ Spiritual
Requirements: You must know how to count to 7 and you must know the alphabet up to "G"
Lessons are limited to 4 students
$45 per hour lesson/ 4 or more paid in advance only $35 per lesson

(Ages 12 – 17)
Timothy Clampitt, Instructor

INTRODUCING our NEW TEEN TECHNIQUE class. This is the same great class that our adult students have been raving about, with materials that are age appropriate for all teens.

6 Sundays Beginning September 13th
4 - 6 p.m.

Whether you’re new to the business of acting, or returning and need a refresher, this is the place to start. Classes are held in a fun and informative environment and provide a sampling of various acting topics and tools, including but not limited to:

*The Business of Show Business
*How to get a start (or restart) in the business
*How to prepare for an agent interview
*Headshots & Resumes
*Cold Reads
*Scene Work
*Voice for Performance

Introductory Tuition $200 for 6 weeks if registered by September 6th

($250 after September 6th)

Please Note:
This class is a prerequisite for the
Teen On-Camera Commercial class starting in November.


POWER VOICE for Actors (Rodenburg Techniques) This class will help you regain your power through your voice and the breath. Whether you want to improve your acting performances, be a more effective public speaker, or simply retrieve a power that is innately in all of us, POWER VOICE can help you achieve any of those goals. You will be required to find and memorize a Shakespeare speech before the beginning of the session. This class is very physical, and wearing comfortable clothing is highly suggested. Be challenged in a positive and POWERful way.

6 Sundays Beginning September 13th, 2009

6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.
(Class may go later on some nights)

Introductory Tuition $200 (if registered by September 6th) [Regularly $250]

Voice for Singing Performance

“Performance singing is easy and fun…if someone shows you how. There are tips, tricks and shortcuts that can be employed to bring out your best work. If you want to sing formally, train with a classical opera singer. But if you want to entertain the masses, learning to sing and perform from the gut is fundamental.”

Begins September 12th, 2009
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.

To Register for classes call (602) 402-7740
Log onto www.matlinstudio.com for more information

No Bells and Whistles…Simply Truth In Art

Matlin Studio’s Mission is to
“Touch one life at a time through the Arts”

"Combat/Stunts for Film & Life Performance"
Call for Details (602) 402-7740

Matlin Studio for the Arts admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin

Official Website: http://www.matlinstudio.com

Added by Matlin Studio on August 6, 2009

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