3131 West Loop S,
Houston, Texas 77027

This Event is sold out. If you wish your name to be placed on a waiting list in case of any last minute cancellations, please send an email topresident@houston.betterinvesting.net. Please include your phone number in the email.Thank you

For mail in registration:

Join us at our 2009 Investor Education Day, Saturday, March 21, featuringDoug Gerlach. Doug Gerlach, President of ICLUBcentral, has provided investor education at national and BetterInvesting chapters across the country. ICLUBcentral is well-known for their stock analysis computer software and accounting software for investment clubs. Doug willprovide educational information designed for the beginner to experienced investor.

Dougs seminars below will cover how you should research stocks, how to identify problem stocks before its critical and when to sell; how to build a mode to fine-tune your own EPS projections just like the analysts do and then how to screen for stocks that meet your criteria.

Going Beyond the SSG

Identifying Excellence in Management

Who Let the Dogs In? Dealing with Under-Oerforming Stocks in YouPortfolio.

Screening for Winners

Enjoy a working lunch and then finish up your day possibly winning one of our door prizes. Plan now to attend. Take advantage of our Early Bird Special Registration Fee.

Organized by BetterInvesting Houston Chapter

Ticket Info:  
  • Members Rate, $41.00
  • Non Members Rate, $51.25

Official Website: http://houston2009event-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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