Crystal Ballroom, 7400 Wisconsin Ave
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

2009 DCMADA Annual Meeting: Changing Lives with Nutrition

The 2009 DCMADA Annual Meeting,Changing Lives withNutrition, is just what you need to launch your career into the nextlevel of food and nutrition practice!
Interact with the nation's leading experts on bariatric surgery, exercise science, nutrigenomics, and behavior change therapy. Network with the most successful DC area nutrition professionals at DCMADA's largest event of the year. Hear from the area's top students about their exciting new research projects. And most importantly, learn the skills you need to steer your career in the direction you want to go as you change lives every day with your nutrition expertise!

May 2, 20098:00 AM - 4:00PM
Hyatt Regency BethesdaCrystal Ballroom7400 Wisconsin AveBethesda, MD 20814Preview the full meeting program at
See you there!

Organized by DCMADA
The District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association is a small, but mighty group of nutrition professionals who work in government, research, food industry, consulting, public relations, community groups, private practice, and clinical settings. DCMADA is the local professional association for more than 400 dietitians and nutrition students.

Ticket Info:  
  • DCMADA Member: Before April 1, $80.00
  • Student, $20.00
  • Sponsor a Student, $20.00
  • DCMADA Member: April 1 until sold out, $100.00
  • All Other Guests, $100.00

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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