IT'S TIME FOR THE 2009 CIRCLE OF SISTERS GATHERING!....This year's Theme: "SISTERS BUILDING SISTERS", I Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. Can somebody shout "Bigger and Better"! Please make plans to attend the Circle of Sisters Gathering, a sisterhood celebration like never before! Last year it was an all white affair, THIS YEAR, let's think PINK! Light Pink, Dark Pink, French Pink, Hot Pink...Wear something Black with any color PINK and get ready to have an awesome time. Whether you are looking for some "me" time, an evening out, some sisterhood fun or some spiritual motivation, this gathering is created with you in mind! You'll enjoy an inspiring and invigorating evening of women's fun & fellowship, giveaways, laughter, music, theatrical dance, spoken word poetry, Christian comedy, dynamic speakers and a riveting word of Hope and Healing! Regardless of your age, race or denomination, women just like you embrace this gathering as a journey to self-discovery, empowerment and spiritual motivation. Please invite your sisters, mothers, cousins, neighbors, church friends and co-workers! Come and be apart of a gathering and sisterhood celebration like never before!
Tickets can also be purchased by mail, make check or money order payableto:
Shine on Me Entertainment
PO Box 613
Arlington, TN 38002
Please allow 5 to 7 business days for processing. Please contact Brenda with Gathering Services at 901-406-3461 if you have questions.
Ticket Info: 2009 Circle of Sisters Gathering, $29.99
Official Website: http://2009circleofsisters-upcoming.eventbrite.com