TechxansAustinExecutives Technology Forum & Showcase4Thursday, March19, 20098:00am -11:45am
Topic:Austin's Green Plans For Technology GrowthEnterprise BestPractices& TrendsLeveraging Technology.Location:University of Phoenix, 10801-2 N Mo Pac Expressway, Austin, Texas 78759 VENUSPONSOR
NOTE: This Event is Free to Industry Professionals and current Techxans Sponsors and Paid Members. Attendance is limited for Sales, Marketing and Recruiting Professionals who are current members or sponsors. Please contact Pam Terry (
pam@techxans.org) to qualify for attendance to theForum. * Attendees List will be provided at the event.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERPike PowersCounselFulbright & Jaworski
Jerome CharlestonChapter ChairTechxansFormer Division CIOTime Warner Cable
FEATURED SPEAKERSteve GuthrieDirector, CA
FEATURED SPEAKERRyan BoswellManagerDell EqualLogic
Anthony HuangFounder, Techxans
FEATURED SPEAKERLee DumasDirector of ArchitectureAzaleos
Pam TerryExecutive Director & Co-FounderTechxans | TechExecs
VENDOR ACCEPTANCE, WEBSITE CONTENT USAGE COVENANT & POSSIBLE EXCLUSION OF ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES: We highly honor and cherish our CIO Panel Participants! If you are a vendor, Techxans sincerely insists that you do not pre-introduce, call nor solicit the above listed speakers, and unless you are a recognized sponsor of Techxans, using the Techxans Name or Brand in any part of your solicitation is strongly prohibited and may exclude you from attending current or future functions. Please respect the integrity of our powerful & learning events as our speakers and panelists are not compensated for their participation on the panel. They are giving their time generously to share and enlighten all of us. We understand that contacting people and exploring growth opportunities is a normal part of everyone's daily business. We simply ask that you do not use the Techxans' name as the caveat for your solicitation activities. Please adopt and base your growth on the Techxans' motto of building upon "Personal Relationships" in person. Having and developing a great personal network and relationships are the key elements behind successful business! Abusing deals, for simply the deal, actually negatively impacts your business, so, come get involved, participate, share, learn and network with everyoneto create enriching relationships!
8:00am - 8:30am Check-in, Continental Breakfast and Executives Networking Venue & Breakfast Sponsored by UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX8:30am - 9:00am Welcome byChris Helmueller, Vice President-Texas, University of Phoenix & Austin Chapter Chair,Jerome Charleston Founder Introduction by Pam Terry, Executive Director, Techxans
Founder's Welcome & Inspire Me Program Anthony Huang, Founder of Techxans
Sponsors Recognition &Program Introduction Pam Terry, Executive Director of Techxans9:00am - 9:30am FEATUREDPRESENTATION "Simplified Virtualized Storage" Ryan Boswell, Storage Executive, Dell EqualLogic9:30am - 10:00am FEATUREDPRESENTATION "E-mail Migration, Monitoring and Management: Servicing the Worlds Leading Eye Care Company"Lee Dumas, Director of Architecture, AzaleosSHOWCASE HIGHLIGHT CA | EduCorp | COMSYS | Mobius Partners Dell EqualLogic | Azaleos | University of Phoenix
10:00am - 10:30amTABLE TOP SHOWCASE & NETWORKING BREAK10:30am - 11:00am2009 VISION PRESENTATION Current Economic Employment Trends: Jim Yoshimura, Regional Vice President of Texas, COMSYS
11:00am - 11:30amKEYNOTE SPEAKER"Austin's Plans for Technology Growth" Pike Powers, Of Counsel, Fulbright & Jaworski
11:30am - 11:45am Closing, Awards & Thanking Our Speakers Post-Event Technology Executives Networking TABLE TOP SHOWCASE EXHIBITS & NETWORKING BREAK
"Austin's Plans for Technology Growth:Pike Powers, Keynote SpeakerOf CounselFulbright & JaworskiBIO: Pike Powers, a lawyer, former Beaumont state representative and a force in Austins economic development efforts for almost three decades, is ourkeynote speaker. Pike's leadership helped turn Austin from a university town into a high-tech powerhouse. For the past 27 years, Pike has played an integral role in developing the Austin regional technology economy. Through his leading role in attracting landmark research and development operations in the 1980s (MCC and SEMATECH) and employers (Applied Materials and 3M, among others), Powers has helped advance the regions high-tech, information and entrepreneurial economy. He has been a principal participant in mobilizing Austins ever-growing high-tech community to create a business, civic, and philanthropic network. As a board member of numerous Texas technology groups, Powers is a civic entrepreneur who advises Austins emerging technology leaders on creating new companies and shaping the regions collaborative future.Pikewas Partner-in-Charge of Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.'s Austin office from 1978 through 2004.Mr. Powers was Executive Assistant to Governor Mark White in 1983 and from 1972 to 1979 represented Jefferson County in the Texas House of Representatives. He has extensive experience in handling complex legal and political issues before state courts and federal courts, as well as federal and state agencies.Mr. Powers has been a member of the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas and has held various posts as well in the American Bar Association and in the Texas and American Bar Foundations. He is a former chairman of the Board of the Austin Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Powers is a member of the Maritime Law Association of the United States, the Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel and the National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel.Mr. Powers received a B.A. in 1962 from Lamar University and a J.D. in 1965 from The University of Texas. He was admitted in 1965 to practice law in Texas. He was named as a "Texas Super Lawyer" in general litigation law in the November 2003 issue of Texas Monthly.
Featured Speaker"Managing IT Infrastructure & Application to Ensure Service Availability"Steve Guthrie, DirectorCAwww.ca.com Abstract: When a problem hits your IT services, your business can come to a screeching halt. How do you identify the source of the problem? Is it the network? A web application? A database? Is it a small issue or system-wide? Do you frequently organize an IT support conference call? Is there ever a blame game or finger pointing?
With your business and public image at stake, youre pressured to deliver business-critical IT services as effectively and efficiently as possible. What you need is visibility into and control over your IT infrastructure. This includes the ability to correlate events across technology silos to accurately determine the root cause of IT service outages and identify negative performance trends before they impact customers, business processes and SLAs. Attend this presentation and learn how you can provide a real-time, proactive and predictive approach to IT and stop the guessing game in your organization. BIO: Steven Guthrie has spent the past decade in the networking and telephony markets as an active participant in the emergence of LANs, WANs and IP technologies and most recently with real-time IP communications such as voice and video over IP. In his role at CA, he is primarily responsible for understanding how enterprises, service providers and government agencies use network and voice management solutions and communicating these experiences and industry best practices to help other organizations optimize their converged network investments and achieve high end-user satisfactionCA is one of the world's largest IT management software providers. Our software and expertise unify and simplify complex IT environmentsin a secure wayacross the enterprise for greater business results. We call this Enterprise IT Management (EITM)our clear vision for the future of IT. It's how you can manage systems, networks, security, storage, applications and databases securely and dynamically. You can build on your IT investments, rather than replacing them, and do it at your own pace. Our more than 5,300 developers worldwide create and deliver IT management software that keeps our vision real. And we've taken our decades of experience solving complicated IT problems and developed practical paths for you to get from where you are today to where you want to be. Founded in 1976, CA today is a global company with headquarters in the United States and 150 offices in more than 45 countries. We serve more than 99% of Fortune 1000 companies, as well as government entities, educational institutions and thousands of other companies in diverse industries worldwide. We are driving our next level of growth through our four-part strategy of product development, leveraging partners, global expansion and strategic acquisitionsall with the goal of helping you realize the full power of IT to drive your business. www.ca.com
Featured Speaker"Technical Product Review: Dell EqualLogic's Virtualized Storage, Simplified"Ryan Boswell, Storage ExecutiveDell EqualLogicwww.dell.com/PSseries and www.dell.com/Equallogic Ryan Boswell is a Storage Executive at Dell Inc., where he is responsible for developing a strong partner community and building sales for Storage Area Network solutions in Southern Texas. Mr. Boswell comes from EqualLogic that was purchased by Dell in February 2008.Prior to this role, Mr. Boswell spent most of his career building revenue and strong channel partnerships in industries including software, storage solutions, and network security. He earned a bachelor of science in Economics from Texas A&M University.
Featured Speaker"E-mail Migration, Monitoring and Management: Servicing the Worlds Leading Eye Care Company"Lee Dumas, Director of ArchitectureAZALEOS(www.azaleos)ABSTRACT: Mr. Dumas will present the story of how Ft. Worth-based Alcon migrated all 19,000 of its worldwide employees onto Exchange 2007 while at the same time reducing its Exchange administrators from 8 to 1. Their adoption of a remotely managed email system allowed them to save money, adopt cutting edge technology and re-direct IT resources to alternative, mission-critical projects.BIO: Lee Dumas is the Director of Architecture at Azaleos, and has been involved with Exchange and messaging for over 13 years first as a core member of the Exchange development team at Microsoft and then in various consulting roles. He specializes in architecture and operations specific to Exchange and Active Directory, and is also proficient in other Exchange-related technologies like UM, OCS, and mobile devices. Most recently, before joining Azaleos, Lee spent seven years in "real world" deployment engagements in which he helped companies, ranging from a handful of seats up to multinational corporations with 60,000 or more seats, get Exchange messaging running smoothly. Lee is a pioneer MCA Ranger and has been part of the program since it first expanded outside of Microsoft four years ago.Azaleos knows ExchangeAzaleos Corporation, based in Seattle, WA, was founded in 2004 by senior executives from Microsoft with a very strong understanding of Microsoft Exchange and the market for enterprise e-mail. The goal of the company today remains the same as it was back in 2004 --- to provide a comprehensive maintenance and management solution which simplifies Microsoft Exchange for IT. Azaleos has comprehensive knowledge and expertise regarding the complexity of the Exchange application as well as our customers' need for a highly available Exchange environment that 'just works'. Azaleos also knows that companies want to maintain control of their Exchange application and e-mail, while removing the burden of ongoing maintenance, monitoring, and update management from IT resources who can be better utilized supporting core business functions and new initiatives. Azaleos technology simplifies the Exchange environment through standardization, so deployment is fast and easy, and the solution is inherently scalable.
Where is Azaleos? Azaleos currently has Exchange e-mail services deployed and utilized by customers with users located in the US, Canada, Europe, Latin America, South America, Asia and Australia. Azaleos is able to offer a fully operable Exchange Server experience to both corporate and branch office locations throughout much of the world.
Pam TerryExecutive Director & Co-FounderTechnology Executives Network (Techxans | TechExecs)
pam@techexecs.net866.497.4070Pam Terry has considerable experience in the technology industry beginning her foray into technology in 1994. She has a proven track record in sales and marketing in data, voice, collocation, IT consulting, application development, ecommerce, and technology training. She was most recently an Account Executive with Time Warner Telecom, a Major Accounts Consultant in the Business Division of Time Warner Cable and VP of Marketing for ERGOS Technology. During her tenure in the industry, Pam had the pleasure of co-founding Techxans with Tony and even created the Techxans name. Prior to Pams technology industry experience, Pam was Executive Director of the Galleria Chamber of Commerce and previously provided marketing consulting in the accounting firm industry. Throughout her career, Pam has been involved in community and trade organizations, having obtained Accreditation in Public Relations from the Public Relations Society of America, and serving on the boards of several charitable and membership groups such as the American Organ Transplant Association and the Association of IT Professionals. Pam is currently serving as Regional Director of Powerful Women International, a womens empowerment membership group. Pam brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in association management and technology to her role as Executive Director of Techxans and Tech Execs. Originally from Brownsville, Texas, Pam has been in Houston since 1971.FORUM WELCOME:
Anthony HuangFounder & CEOTechnology Executives Network (Techxans | TechExecs|
arh@techexecs.net 866.661.0258As a well known industry icon, Anthony Huang has been a successful entrepreneur with a solid track record of having started and sold four profitable business ventures. Along with two other individuals, Pamela Terry and Laura Ramey, Anthony Huang launched the Techxans organization back in 2000. Techxans.org has sustained the ups and downs of the Information Technology industry for the past 7 years and continues to strive and grow in size and capabilities. In 2001, Techxans reached national and international attention for helping to launch EnronX.org which was the largest Ex-Enron contact site and was mentioned on the front page of The Wall Street Journal and CIO Magazine. In January 2007, Techxans formed Techxans InterActive Broadcast providing Internet TV broadcasting, strategic online advisory services for Techxans Corporate Members & Sponsoring companies. Prior to Techxans, Anthony Huang was the CEO of Rexton InterActive Consulting that led the market in providing strategic web consulting for over 100 major clients across 23 different industries. Anthony also served as the CIO for 2 healthcare ventures. Anthony began his career with Apple Computers and Ernst & Young and was a recipient of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 1998 with The Greater Houston Partnership. He has been a speaker at numerous conferences including InformationWeek, Gartner Group Midsize Enterprise Summit, and Red Herring Venture Forums. Anthony graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BBA in Management Information Systems and lives in Sugar Land with his wife and two children.
About Techxans: Technology Executives Network Founded in 2000, Techxans (www.Techxans.org) is the single largest Technology Executives Network in Texas with over 13,000 member contacts, and over 48,000 newsletter recipients, throughout the State of Texas. The purpose of Techxans is to focus on promoting the Texas Technology Community, featuring "Best of Breed" Resources available to key decision makers, Promote Networking and partnership amongst technology and industry executives, and ultimately serving as the dominate Connections for industry buyers and suppliers. TechExecs (www.TechExecs.net) is the national chapter of Techxans Association with over 370,000 IT Executive contacts throughout US.
Organized by Techxans :: Austin ChapterTechxans Austin Chapter
Ticket Info: - $0 FREE | Industry IT Executive & Sponsor Attendees: For your FREE TICKET ("DISCOUNT CODE"), please call your Sponsor Host or Techxans directly via Pam Terry 832-276-4153. (pam@techxans.org), $66.62
- $65 | Solution Providers & Vendor Attendees (Sales, Marketing, Recruiting & Consulting Attendees | Non-Sponsors), $66.62
Official Website: http://techxansaustin03192009-upcoming.eventbrite.com