What is MEC?
Since 1972, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the University of New Brunswick has been hosting Myoelectric Controls (MEC) Courses/Symposiums in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Since 2002, the symposium occurs tri-annually. The symposium is preceded by courses and workshops geared towards clinicians.
This symposium incorporates all aspects of powered upper limb prosthetics. The success of this gathering is reflected in the level of international enrollment enjoyed in the past. Previous symposia have brought together participants not only from North America and Europe but as far away as Australia, Hong Kong and Japan.
The theme for the MEC 2008 Symposium is "Measuring Success ". This topic is very timely given the rapid pace of development in the area of upper limb prosthetics and its clinical implications.
Who should attend MEC Symposiums?
The MEC symposiums are of great interest to people involved in the prosthetic and myoelectric fields. The professions of the interested individuals are not limited to the following but may include prosthetic and myoelectric researchers and developers, prosthetists and prosthetic technicians, occupational and physical therapists involved with clients who have upper extremity amputations, nurses, social workers, psychologists, physicians, surgeons and manufacturers of technologies targeted at upper extremity amputees.
Official Website: http://www.unb.ca/biomed/mec.php
Added by TATRC.APHP on March 3, 2008