Complex processes govern magnetized plasma interactions between regions of differing magnetic fields. These boundary-layer interaction regions can be found at the Sun, at planetary magnetospheres, in the solar wind and in astrophysical plasmas. A variety of different processes such as magnetic reconnection, diffusion, finite gyroradii effects, wave-particle interactions, and stochastic acceleration have been presented as mechanisms responsible for mass and energy transport across these boundaries, but the relative importance and interdependence of these processes remain largely unresolved.
The 2008 Huntsville Workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss what we know about these processes, refine the scientific questions that need to be addressed to progress in their understanding, explore the direction of future experimental and theoretical research, and consider applications to future exploration of the heliosphere. The workshop focus on interdisciplinary sessions will provide for fruitful discussions and a broad basis for further understanding the physics involved in these processes.
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Added by AAS on September 5, 2008