E. 9th and Lakeside Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

At the Free Stamp.

While jet fighters entertain with daring maneuvers and aerobatics, the Cleveland Air Show hides their real purpose: to promote warfare and destruction costing billions of our tax dollars, while providing little real safety or protection for any of us.

Consider the alternative:
Peace Cranes, not War Planes!

* Live music & spoken word
* Community action opportunities
* Bloodmobile
* 3rd annual Peace Plane Launch
* Games for kids and adults
* Food and real lemonade

Info tables will teach nonviolent conflict resolution and offer alternatives to endless war and armed conflict.

Nonviolence Works. War Doesn't.

Presented by the The Cleveland Nonviolence Network and Artists for Peace, with the support of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Peace Action Cleveland, Cleveland Food Not Bombs, Military Families Speak Out, the Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, Trinity Cathedral, and many other organizations and individuals.

Additional sponsors welcome!
Volunteers needed!

Added by jeffschuler on May 23, 2008

Interested 1