1329 Huahai Lu (near hengshan lu)
Shanghai, Shanghai

The bonbon residents have boiled down 365 days and nights of partying in Shanghai to a concentrated reduction of only the best music that rocked your world in 2007. Hear it all on this special Hip Hop and Electro double-bill with top 10 countdowns by all the bonbon rezzies.

这一夜将是2007 bonbon当家驻场DJ们的回顾之夜,为你放送最佳club的最佳舞曲音乐。我们为你聚集了一整年的时光中,最high的舞曲,最狂热的夜晚片断,曲风依旧是百变而入时的hip hop/electro等。

Male 100RMB, Female 100RMB; After 2am 80RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 4:00am

Official Website: http://www.clubbonbon.com

Added by wendyland on December 14, 2007