1 ConAgra Drive
Omaha, Nebraska 68102


A Brand New Walk! – Introducing the Start! Program

As the American Heart Association’s signature fund-raising event, the Heart Walk promotes physical activity and heart-healthy living in a fun family environment. This year over 1 million walkers will participate in more than 500 events, raising funds to save lives from this country’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers: heart disease and stroke.

Every element of the Heart Walk will be designed to:

*Create a community among participants
*Instill passion for reducing disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke
*Generate excitement for a new or renewed commitment to heart-healthy living

Participants will walk away from the experience with:

*A stronger commitment to improve their health and reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke
*Satisfaction and pride from giving back to the community that shows in self-esteem and attitude
*Knowledge that they have improved the lives of their families and friends

More than an event, the Heart Walk is an experience. The Heart Walk will create three communities or villages for participants. Each village will feature resources and activities relevant to their community.

See website for more details.

Official Website: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3043348

Added by waiting_line on May 3, 2007