On Friday July 13, 2007 at 7pm, the 2007 Fight 'n' Fright Festival shall present "Ong Bak: The Muai Thai Warrior"
For One Night Only!--- No Cables...No CGI...No Gimmicks...
"Ong Bak: The Muai Thai Warrior"
(2003, 105 minutes, Rated R) -Subtitled: English
Directed by: Prachya Pinkaew
Starring: Tony Jaa, Petchtai Wong-kamlao
Tony Jaa demonstrates some jaw-dropping stunts of cringe-inducing brutality and ballet-like feats without mechanical assistance or computer-generated effects.
Extreme acrobatics and speedy, dance-like moves will surely light up the big screen ... but we're making this evening even more special and memorable with our amazing lineup of live presentations and cool prize giveaways.
Where: Toronto's oldest rep theatre Bloor Cinema --506 Bloor St. W. (just east of Bathurst St. -- Bathurst Subway Station)
TICKETS: $5 (in advance) $7 (at the door)
For complete details, movie reviews, contests and Advance Ticket Sales please visit:
Official Website: http://www.fightnfright.com
Added by Fight n Fright Festival on June 26, 2007