Tentative Date: Saturday, June 30, 2007
Start Time: 7:30 AM
Location: Druid Hill Park, Moorish Tower on Druid Lake, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Packet Pick-Up: Friday, June 29, 2006, 12 - 6 PM, Falls Road Running Store (Check here as the pick-up hours maybe extended during the week for your convenience.)
Entry Fee: $10 pre-registered, $15 on race day. For an additional $15 participants can purchase an outstanding commemorative Asics Cool Max race shirt designed by Cari Buziak.
Amenities: Great post-race party.
Course Description: First 5K is fairly flat with some very gentle rolling hills. Next 3K contains at least seven killer hills in the back roads of Druid Hill Park. The last 2K is flat, but who cares at this point, most runners are ready for the race to have been over a long time ago. This is a very challenging event. The hills in the back of the Baltimore Zoo seem relentless with their curves and seemingly never-ending elevation gains.
Official Website: http://www.baltimorerunning.com/events/Dreaded%20Druid%20Hills/Dreaded%20Druid%20Hills%202006.htm
Added by nhall on April 19, 2007