1333 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20036

The Iditarod is a famous long-distance race in which big burly yapping dogs tow a sled and driver across Alaska. The 2007 DC Idiotarod is kind of the same thing, but no sled and no dogs. Instead of a sled, teams pull a shopping cart. And instead of dogs, it's people pulling the cart. Oh, and this one is in DC, not Alaska, so it definitely saves you time and travel expenses. All this and we’re even raising money for charity!

Definitely the most fun you will have this weekend, so get a team (6 people) together and race! Register by 11:59pm on Thursday, March 1: http://smashed.geekpad.com/idiotarod/Sign%20Up.html

Or just come out to the Front Page to witness the pre-race spectacle! The race starts at 2:30pm.

All are welcome at Chief Ike's Mambo Room for the finish line party, where a $10 charity donation gets you free beer from the time the first team arrives until we run out!

Now mush!!!

Official Website: http://smashed.geekpad.com/idiotarod

Added by DCSMASHED on February 27, 2007

Interested 2