One Market Square
Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4Z6

Boardwalk, Market Square, 1 Market Square (rain location: Atrium, Market Square). Come to the seventeenth season of side-splitting comedy, astounding physical feats, and all-out crazy antics with the 2007 Buskers Festival! Performers who hail from across the globe will unite to transform the Boardwalk into an apex of laughter and wonder! This year's line-up includes:

Aerial Angels This trio of gals make the sunny skies their dance floor, runway, and playground; soaring in aerial silks and hoops so masterfully that you'll be looking for wings on their backs! Every show is different.

Arizona Jones This archeologist extraordinaire will amaze you with a treasure chest of whip-cracking, animal traps, magic, fire bullwhips, Sahara-dry humour, dancing, origami, and a 14-foot golden pole!

Copper Guy We welcome the newest statue to join the many sculptures that call Market Square home! This statue will certainly livin up the centre; heck, he may even take our moose out for a ride.

Moko Jumby - Stilts of Wonder This group is head and shoulders above the rest - quite literally! A quartet of stiltwalkers from the spirit of Trinidad joins us to astound and amaze with their stiltwalking abilities throughout the weekend!

Jack-in-the-Box A life-sized Jack-in-the-Box with a surprise like no other inside! You gotta see it to believe it!

Kromatik This team of face an body painting artists have been creating amazing art on the human canvas for almost 20 years. Imagination, colours and lines have no limit...every design is an experience in colour and joy!

Isabella FireEatin' Show This astaounding show presents amazing sideshow feats including Bed of Nails and fire-eating featuring the Nipple Transfer. Thrill to her incredible accuracy with the bullwhip!

Luna the Bendy Girl See talent so flexible she can fold her spleen into an origami swan! She contorts, handstands and hula-hoops her way into your heart!

Super Spike's Super Show Super Show = Super Fun! Come see Spike as she builds the audience into a self-supporting human pyramid and performs her possibly paralyzing "Escape from a Straitjacket" routine!

Travis Saunders (Juggler Extraordinaire) Travis has juggled everything from a diabolo top to toilet plungers, knives and torches - oh and did we mention it's all while riding a giraffe unicycle? He may challenge you to a joggling race - so bring your running shoes!

Trulee Odd Show One word to describe this show - FUN! He eats and spits fire. He rides a tiny motocycle doing wheelies and jumps and he has really cool pants. he is Trulee Odd!

S C H E D U L E: Rain Venue: Market Square Atrium. Schedule is subject to change.

Fri, Jul 20
10:30 am-12 noon Atrium: "Just KIDdin' Around" - Children's Show.
12 noon-11 pm Boardwalk: Ongoing Busker performances
Sat, Jul 21
9:45 am-10:30 pm Boardwalk: Ongoing Busker performances.
11 pm-midnight Boardwalk: Sh*ts & Giggles - Adult Show Only
Sun, Jul 22
12 noon-7:30 pm Boardwalk: Ongoing Busker performances.
4 pm Boardwalk Stage: Sun Life Financial presents
Mentalist - Kevin Robart or call the Summer Hotline at (506) 658-3600!

Added by zanthin5 on July 18, 2007