Saturday, March 3, come on down to the 2007 Baltimore Zine & D.I.Y. Fest at 2640 St. Paul Street!
The Zine & D.I.Y. Fest is a one-day cavalcade of self-sufficient, low-budget strategies for making stuff and doing things. Tablers at the festival range from bookstores to button-makers, from musicians to mechanics, and from artists to authors. Got a skill you want to share? Cool handmade stuff you want to sell? Use the link below to request a table. Tired of buying crap at big-box stores, and interested in learning some practical skills instead? Attend one of the skill-share workshops and learn something new for FREE!
Schedule of Events
DIY/Zine Marketplace
About 35 tablers confirmed, starts at 12 noon and runs until 7PM or so
12 PM Native herbs and health
1PM Brew Not Bombs! AND Bike Repair
2PM Build your own internet streaming radio station
3PM Al Burian, author of seminal zine Burn Collector AND DIY Nutrition
4PM Learn to silkscreen!
5PM DIY Recording AND How to feeding the masses w/ Food Not Bombs
6PM Puppet making with the Stolen Heart Cabaret
Free Food! At 7PM, courtesy of Food Not Bombs
Free Show! Starts at 8PM, with Radical Artist Movement, Plaguewielder, Call the Cops, Deceiver, and Army of Kashyyk
Wanna help organize, or volunteer your time at the festival? Email us at!
Official Website: