2006 Alwan Film Festival
April 14- April 23
$10/ Screening
Advance Tix available through website or through Smartix.com
Anthology Film Archives April 14-18
Tribeca Cinemas April 19-21
NYU Cantor Film Center April 22-23
The 2006 Alwan film festival is unique in many ways. Neither geographically nor topically bounded, the festival is restless and mobile, showcasing films?including a sizable number of premiers?from around the world, with an underlying emphasis on a people subject to an intrepid scrutiny - from North Africa to South Asia. Its state of affairs is that of an avowed immigrant, with no fixed locale, but resting on a shifting topography where the map of the world has been redrawn several times and countries have emerged while others have disappeared. Identity and memory of a lost home endure. As transplants with hybrid identities, our intervention lies in solidarity with peoples, who is spite of threat and turmoil, are rich with imagination, talent, and indomitable intelligence.
Many Directors In Attendance and World, US, and NY Premieres!
Some of the highlights:
Ahlaam, Mohamed Al-Daradji, Iraq/Iran, 2005 - feature film set in post-Saddam Iraq
Zaman: The Man from the Reeds, Amer Alwan, Iraq, 2003 - the first film from Iraq in 15 years!
US PREMIRE of Sex and Philosophy, Moshin Makhmalbaf, Iran. 2005
NY PREMIERE of Passion, Mohamed Malas, Syria. 2005
WORLD PREMIERE of Public Relations, Samir Zikra, Syria, 2005
WORLD PREMIERE of Gazelle's Blood, Mohammed Yasin, Egypt, 2005
NY PREMIERE OF Under the Ceiling, Nidal Al Dibsm Syria 2005
US PREMIERE of Bab 'Aziz, Nacer Khemir, Tunisia. 2006
NY PREMIERE of The Sleeping Child, Yasmine Kassari, Tunisia. 2005
Official Website: http://www.film.alwanforthearts.org
Added by preranar on April 14, 2006