600 Fourth Avenue
Seattle, Washington

Please join me at the 4th event of the 2005 Urban Sustainability Forum,
and part of the Mayor's Center City Strategy. The event scheduled on
Tuesday, April 26 features Dr. Richard Jackson.

Center City Seattle is Mayor Nickel's strategy for encouraging
economic growth, transportation, new housing, and great urban
neighborhoods in the downtown core and the nine neighborhoods
immediately around it ... creating a "Livable ... Walkable ... 24/7"
community. In terms of geography, jobs and density, Center City
represents the core of the region. By 2024 it is estimated that this
area will produce 57,000 new jobs and over 24,000 new housing units.
Many exciting projects are planned for Center City in the next few
years. For more information about the Center City Seattle project visit

"Designing & Building Healthy Places"
Richard Jackson, MD, MPH
State Public Health Officer, California Department of Health

Tuesday, April 26, 2005, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Seattle City Hall, Bertha Landes Room

Featured speaker Dr. Richard Jackson will be discussing the critically
important links between environmental health and the built environment.
He will discuss how the built environment shapes behavior and promotes,
or damages, our health in ways that are far more profound than most
public health and building industry professionals realize.

View the flyer at:

Dr. Jackson co-authored "Urban Sprawl and Public Health: Designing,
Planning, and Building for Healthy Communities" with Howard Frumkin
and Lawrence Frank. From his experience working in leadership positions
for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Jackson has
become convinced that a critically important and under-appreciated
environmental health issue is that of the "built environment." Dr.
Jackson collaborated with other professionals to create an important new
Web site, Designing and Building Healthy Places, at
http://www.cdc.gov/healthyplaces. In March 2004, he was appointed by
Governor Schwarzenegger as the State Public Health Officer to the
California Department of Health Services.

Sponsored by the City of Seattle, this event is hosted free of charge,
open to the public, and seating is on a first-come basis. No RSVP is

View the complete Forum flyer or read about individual events and guest
speakers at www.seattle.gov/dpd/Sustainable_Building/COS_004334.asp, and
please share with others. For questions or to be added to our mailing
list, contact Lynne Barker at lynne.barker@seattle.gov or 206-684-0806.

Added by carolonius on April 12, 2005