CEIBS Investors' Forum is a platform for entrepreneurs and investors to exchange ideas and discuss cooperation opportunities. Successful entrepreneurs and senior investors will talk about how Venture Capital (VCs) could help enterprises. The topics will include: how to form the best management team; how to attract VCs; how to cater the business development to the market change; what is the potential market to start new business, etc.
Place: CHINA EUROPE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL, most likely (699 Hongfeng Road, Pudong)
Time: morning of September 17th
Tix: Free, register with info specified on the web page below.
* Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba Inc.
* David Yu, CEO of Target Media
* Qi Ji, CEO of Home Inn
* Vincent Chan, Heak of North Asia, Jafco Asia
* Wayne Tsou, Managing Director, Carlyle Group
* Jamie Paton, Managing Director, HK/Head of North Asia, 3i Asia Pacific
Added by msittig on August 20, 2005
Wayne Tsou is of Carlyle Group. I know it's just a typo, but that's one of the most powerful organizations on the planet, best to get their name correct.
Hehe, sorry, copied directly from the confirmation e-mail. Will fix. Thanks.
Fons Tuinstra[1] recommends this event.
[1] http://www.chinaherald.net/