2 Ways 2 Live started in Australia by a group of pastors who wanted to equip their churches with a way to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who know nothing about the Christian faith.
The goal of this conference is to help you understand how unbelievers think and to equip you with enough knowledge about the gospel to share the gospel with just about anyone.
Topics include: Steering the conversation, the role of sin in an unbeliever’s life, explaining the cross of Christ, and helping an unbeliever make a decision for Christ.
Each session is 50 minutes long with a Q & A at the end of each session and an hour lunch at noon.
The Speaker: Nathan DeFalco is a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological seminary and has been teaching 2 Ways 2 Live for three years. He has worked with Campus Crusade for Christ, been on four international mission trips, and has recently worked as a church planter in the Lafayette area.
Official Website: http://thesouthsidechurch.org/
Added by jeffmikels on April 12, 2007