333 Mountain Road
High Falls, New York 12440

Join Rabbis Joanna Katz and Jeff Roth for a contemplative Jewish meditation retreat two hours north of New York City at the Lifebridge Sanctuary in Rosendale, NY.

Participate in the April 13-15 and/or November 9-11 retreats, the first fruits of the Awakened Heart Project, a series of meditation retreats offering the opportunity to experience a practice which thousands of people have found transformative and life enhancing. Learn practices that can result in more clarity and wisdom, open the heart of compassion and lead to greater happiness.

During the retreats, participants will enhance their skills in a range of meditative techniques. These include concentration techniques, contemplative prayer, mindfulness meditation, the path of blessing, walking and eating meditation and practices that cultivate joy.

These weekend retreats are designed to show experientially how a regular Jewish meditation practice can help cultivate awareness in all aspects of daily life. The program will present a model for using the Sabbath as a weekly anchor for formal practice that reminds us of the possibility of bringing our awareness to a meeting of the Divine Presence in every moment.

Registration Information

The room and board fees include administrative costs, housing and kosher vegetarian food for the weekend. Room and board for the weekend costs $250. Commuters can attend the weekend's meals, teachings and sessions (without housing) for $135. Staff time in teaching at retreats and in interviews is being offered freely. Donations will be accepted to support these offerings.

To sign up for a retreat, send a $100 deposit indicating which retreat(s) you would like to attend. Checks can be made payable to The Awakened Heart Project.

Send deposits to Jeff Roth at 734 Old Post Road, New Paltz, NY 12561
Donations to support financial aid for those who need it are deeply appreciated.

For those attending more than one retreat, you may use your deposit for successive retreats by paying the full costs of each retreat when you arrive.

Please contact Jeff Roth at jeff@awakenedheartproject.org regarding financial aid or for more details.

Register now.

Structure of the Retreats

The retreats are all scheduled to begin with Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm on Friday night. For those who have not been a part of a silent meditation retreat, an orientation session at 4:30 PM is necessary to learn basic practice instructions. The retreat will end with lunch at noon on Sunday.

The weekends are conducted in social silence which means refraining from conversation with other participants at all times. There will be group times for questions and answers. The instructors will provide instructions for all practices as well as present relevant didactic material.

The silence of these retreats allows for a settling of the mind as well as an in depth look at ones experience of life in each moment.

Participants will have the option of arranging ongoing individual contact with one of the instructors between retreats.

In order to foster intimacy the size of these retreats will be limited to 25 people.

The Awakened Heart Project is a new organization dedicated to promoting the use of Jewish contemplative techniques to foster a heart of wisdom and compassion, which leads to acting in the world with loving-kindness towards all beings, manifestations of the Holy One of Being.

Official Website: http://awakenedheartproject.org

Added by AwakenedHeartProject on February 7, 2007