JIM PUTMAN, originally from the San Francisco Bay area, has been playing professionally for over thirty years. He has performed in numerous concerts & jazz festivals, including an international tour with pianist Norma Teagarden & appearances at the Monterey Jazz Festival with trumpeter Clark Terry & vocalist Paula West. He has played & toured with Buddy DeFranco, Jake Hannah, Terry Gibbs, Tommy Newsom and Buddy Collette.
BARRY GLICK relocated to Portland from New York City where he lived for over 20 years. There he worked as a guitarist, band leader and composer and played with some of NYC’s great jazz talents. Since moving to Portland in 2002, he has been busy gigging and working as a composer for local theater productions, in addition to serving as musical director for The Bump in the Road Theater. He also formed the Barry Glick Jazz Groove, an accomplished ensemble of jazz musicians, playing local gigs and events.
2JAZZGUITARS is the exciting new collaboration of these veteran guitarists. Jim and Barry’s love of jazz guitar and the unique blending of their individual styles has created a fresh and dynamic approach to the art of jazz.
Added by freedomwine on March 11, 2010