220 E 4th St
New York, New York 10009

'2 By Sinner' is a two-actor diptych that is a modern take on Adam and Eve, trapped in various forms of a deteriorating Garden of Eden. In 'Unburthen (To My Soul's Delight!) they are presented as brother and sister (after all, Eve was "created" from Adam's rib; doesn't that make them related?). In stylized white face -- part gothic kabuki, part slapstick vaudeville -- they are living in their own isolated apocalyptic playground, the siblings play, bicker, sing and dance as frantically as they can to ward off their own psychological endgame. 'If Water Were Present It Would Be Called Drowning' explores the couple as husband and wife, with the wife's subconcious attempts to liberate herself from the classic "Doll's House" Syndrome. She short circuits before the audience while delivering a monologue, sharing her fantastical sexual yearnings and interior life while disconcerting voice-overs and music cues bombard her as her husband snores.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 17, 2008