Please join us for our first Tea Party
Honoring Delaware Valley Older Adults!
The Not-To-Be Forgotten Foundation is hosting a Tea Party honoring Delaware Valley older adults on May 2, 2009 during Older Americas Month. Our special guests will be members of the Delaware County senior community who are invited to bring family members and friends.
All groups in attendance must have a senior citizen
(60+ years of age) as a member of their party.
The menu will include:
~ Your Choice of Teas ~~ Selection of Tea Sandwiches ~
~ Traditional Scones with an Apricot Glaze ~~ Chefs Selection of Petite Desserts ~
*Menu is subject to change without notice.
The Not-To-Be Forgotten Foundation is focused on raising awareness of the struggles facing older adults in maintaining quality of life in their senior years. Through its Conscientious Acts of Kindness Initiative, ntbf is seeking to connect the generations. By bringing awareness to younger generations and the community at large of the issues facing seniors, ntbf is challenging individuals to take a daily interest in those seniors whose lives cross paths with their own by making conscientious and in their families with purposeful acts of kindness.
For additional information, please visit
events@ntbff.org or 1-888-521-4333.
Thank you to our generous Sponsors:
Comfort KeepersSpringfield, PA
Country Porch FloristGlen Mills, PA
Organized by Not-To-Be Forgotten FoundationNot-To-Be Forgotten Foundation (ntbf) is a newly-formed nonprofit organization which was created to acknowledge the struggles that older adults face in maintaining quality of life in their twilight years. Ntbf will strive to address those struggles one senior at a time by way of public awareness, education, fulfilling needs and granting wishes. Some needs may be simple finding a local resource for delivery of meals and some may be more complicated repairing a roof that is financially out of the realm of the individual. Wishes may run the gamut as well from easy to complicated. Ntbf intends to work closely with community organizations, government agencies and businesses utilizing all resources available to meet its requests.
Ticket Info: Attendee, $12.99
Official Website: http://ntbff-upcoming.eventbrite.com