North San Pedro Rd.
San Rafael, California 94903

The USF Women's Basketball team is full young women from many different backgrounds and ethnicities. Although they are all different, they are competing for the same dream; to play basketball at the highest level in the NCAA and to gain an amazing education. The money raised from this event will go towards basic needs such as computers for our locker-room, gear like spandex shorts, and most importunately to help play for our foreign excursion.
Recently our team had the opportunity to play against teams in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The experience was invaluable to our program on several levels. First, is the educational value gained from this trip; seeing and experiencing different cultures is an education all in itself. Second, our team had a great opportunity to bond together. This trip was an unforgettable experience that will stay with our student-athletes for the rest of their lives. Thank you.

Price: $250.00 per player.
Includes: Lunch, Dinner, Drinks, Golf

Added by mmenuez on June 24, 2009

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