YES!!! We are announcing the 1st Annual Buckhead Snuggie™ Pub Crawl event. Featuring the “as-seen-on-TV” blanket with sleeves, Snuggie™ Pub Crawls has become a national craze, with similar events throughout the country! And now it’s Atlanta’s TURN! After an amazing Atlanta Snuggie™ event last February in the Highlands, with over 600 people dressed up in their Snuggie’s, we bring you the Buckhead Snuggie event! So wear a Snuggie™, robe, blanket, towel whatever makes you happy just show your originality!
Buckhead guided tour of 10 bars:
Red Door Tavern; Kramer's; Pool Hall; 5 Paces Inn; East Andrews; Churchill's; Tavern 99; Buckhead Saloon; Gypsy Stag Lounge; Stout
At the after party we will do a men’s, women and group Snuggie™ costume contest with great prizes 8-10 at Buckhead Saloon.
Added by micheleleblanc80 on November 15, 2010