477 SW Cashmere Boulevard
Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34986

Come join us as we celebrate the first anniversary for the Celebrate Recovery Group at Sunlight Church. We will have a meal at 6pm & the large group meeting starts at 7pm.
Scheduled special events include testimonies, skits, special music and videos.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program that will help individuals overcome their hurts, habits, and hang-ups!
Hope For Recovery: Celebrate Recovery does not promise to solve your life’s problems. But it can show you how to:

Live free of debilitating hurts, habits, and hang-ups one day at a time with the help of Jesus Christ.
Experience true peace and serenity
Restore and develop stronger relationships with God and with others.
Stop relying on dysfunctional and addictive behaviors as a temporary “fix” for pain.
Apply the biblical principles of conviction, conversion, surrender, confession, restitution, prayer, quiet time, witnessing, and helping one another.

Added by CR-ERIC on August 4, 2012

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